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Freycinet Perninsula, East Coast, Tasmania

Photograph copyright Maureen Martin Ferris

Welcome To My Site

Residing on the East Coast of Tasmania, I am a Museum Curator, Historian, Genealogist and Author.
My husband and I share our home with three golden retrievers, Angus, Molly & Fergus

Tasmanian Pictorial Church Index

The Tasmanian Pictorial Church Index is an extensive research project undertaken by Sandra Duck and Maureen Martin Ferris since the late 1980s.


Recently, in 2018, we made the conscious decision to offer our collected data to the public via an online platform, free of charge. Our primary objective is to facilitate easy accessibility and navigation of the vast amount of data and photographs that has been meticulously compiled by us.


Through this initiative, we aim to cater to the needs of both the general public and contributors.


Some of my other Projects

* 'Buildings & Estates of Old Spring Bay' with Malcolm Ward for the GSBHS Inc.


* Indexing Tasmanian Church Registers with Meryl Yost.


* Writing the history of George Wilfred Turner MM, DCM of Launceston.


* Volunteering at the Glamorgan Spring Bay Historical Society Inc.


* Researching Glamorgan Spring Bay District Settlers & Convicts


* Photographing and indexing Glamorgan Spring Bay Cemetries.


* Photographing houses and buildings of the Glamorgan Spring District


* ABC Radio Hobart - Talk Back Genealogist



For over four decades, my professional endeavors have been centered around researching Tasmanian history, with a particular emphasis on East Coast history. My work has been acknowledged through the publication of multiple books and participation in the panel of the Tasmanian Family History Society's publication "Tasmanian Ancestry." In collaboration with fellow researchers, I have undertaken extensive indexing of Tasmanian church registers and have amassed a substantial collection of photographs of Tasmanian churches. After 15 years of service, I retired as the Curator of the East Coast Heritage Museum in December 2022, in order to dedicate my efforts to personal projects.​


Presently, I hold the position of President and Research Officer of the Glamorgan Spring Bay Historical Society Inc. and am a member of the publishing committee. I am an active member of various historical societies such as the Tasmanian Family History Society Inc. Tasmanian Historical Research Association, the Female Convict Research Centre, Digital History Tasmania, Launceston Historical Society, and the newly formed Launceston History Centre. In addition, I am a member of the Irish and Glasgow Historical Groups. I have under-taken a course on 'How to Research Your House' and an archaeology surveying course, helping out with the 'dig' at the Triabunna Barracks.​In 2007, I had the privilege of being featured on SBS's 'Who Do You Think You Are' Australian series (Kate Ceberano), and in 2013, I was a guest on the BBC series 'Coast Australia' with Neil Oliver. I was a consultant on the BBC's 'Who Do You Think You Are' (Anne Reid) and provided my expertise to Dr. John Carter, a Canadian historian, on North American Political Prisoners.


Currently you can hear me on Mel Bush ABC Tasmania - Talk Back Genealogist.


​I am actively involved in administering several Facebook groups and pages related to Tasmania, including Tasmanian Genealogy and History, Tasmanian Convicts, and Tasmanian Pictorial Church Index. Additionally, I manage my personal page, Maureen Martin Ferris, along with others. ​


I have experience in the following areas:​

Tasmanian History Research
Writing and Publishing Books
Genealogical Research
Museum Curating
Exhibitions, Events & Reunions
Archaeology Surveying
Web Design


Let’s talk Family History

Where do I begin?

* Always start with yourself and work backwards.
* Interview relatives, write down the date and the person you are interviewing.
* Don't always believe what you are told .. but there is often an element of truth.
* Visit cemeteries and photograph headstones. Keep in mind these are not always correct.
* Visit your local libraries & historical societies and ask for assistance.
* First stop for Tasmanian Research is
Libraries Tasmania they have massive collection online.
FamilySearch is online FREE TO JOIN with a worldwide collection available.

* Don't believe all the information online, especially other family trees.
* Always find proof and document your evidence with original sources, birth certificates etc.
* Do a timeline for each individual or use a Family Tree Program (like
* There are many family history or local history Facebook Pages you can join - all a free.

Check out Libraries Tasmania
Names Index
Useful Resources
Guides to Records
Historic Newspapers


Free Downloads

Dead Isle
William Wright
Lake Leake
Helpful website
Tasmanian Papers in NSW Library
List of Tasmanian Registers  ONLINE
Libraries Tasmania
Blank Convict
Glamorgan Spring Bay Convict Index
Timeline Report
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